Miros Wave & Current Radar Update: More Accurate Wave Measurements During Low-Wind Conditions
The latest release of the Miros Wave & Current Radar sees software updates allowing for more accurate wave measurements during low-wind conditions.

In order to measure sea state conditions, the Wave & Current Radar relies on a strong echo from capillary waves on the ocean surface. Such capillary waves are normally present during wind speeds above 2 m/s. In the past, measurements made below this threshold have tended to overestimate significant wave height by up to a meter. Below you can see data from a pre-2018 Miros Wave & Current Radar, illustrating the challenges of low-wind conditions for accurately measuring significant wave height, and the reason that we specify 2 m/s as a baseline for the sensor’s reliability. The data shows mean Hm0 difference compared to a downward looking radar.
Nevertheless, since the release of the IoT-enabled sensor portfolio in 2018, we have been able to continuously improve sensor software, updating it remotely via the Internet. In fact, this latest update is our 12th release in just two years!
Thanks to a range of improvements, the Miros Wave & Current Radar is now able to overcome some of the historical challenges associated with low-wind conditions. Making use of updated algorithms and improved filtering of raw data, as well as new quality handling methods, we have reduced internal and external noise to usher in a new standard of accuracy for measurements made in wind speeds below 2 m/s.
It’s a Breeze: Accurate Measurements During Low-Wind Conditions
In the figure below, you can see the improvements that our latest release has made, greatly reducing over-estimations during wind speeds under 2 m/s. This data also shows mean Hm0 difference compared to a downward looking radar. We hope that this update will aid our customers in reducing uncertainty during low-wind conditions.
Customers With Legacy Sensors Can Also Benefit From the Latest Offering
Since this update is only compatible with our IoT Wave & Current Radars, we’ve also developed a way for customers with legacy, non-IoT Wave & Current Radars to bring their hardware up to date. Miros is proud to offer an upgrade kit for legacy Miros Wave & Current Radars, containing all the tools, components and step-by-step instructions required for on-site engineers to bring their hardware into the Internet age. The process simply involves exchanging modules within the radar cabinet, without any need to replace the existing cabinet or infrastructure, such as cables, pedestal, junction box, etc.
This offering gives Miros customers the opportunity to enjoy the latest and greatest Miros technology, without any complications.
Additionally, all of our Sea-State-as-a-Service customers automatically receive this upgrade as part of their subscription. Thanks to the fact that our Wave & Current Radars are IoT-enabled, this upgrade can be actioned remotely by Miros, requiring no action by on-site engineers. Paving the way for our customers’ continued digitalisation journeys.
For more information about this offering and the Wave & Current Radar upgrade kit please contact us at sales@miros-group.com