On the Move: Measuring Surface Currents from Moving Vessels
Miros’ Wavex facilitates real-time monitoring of ocean surface currents from moving vessels, without the use of equipment immersed in water.

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Having the ability to measure ocean surface currents from on board moving vessels has many useful applications. These include fuel optimisation by running at optimal speed, hull performance estimation and navigational support in constrained areas or during critical operations. Measurements of ocean surface currents can also be useful when vessels are docking or navigating within constrained areas.
Traditional methods of measuring ocean surface currents make use of instruments immersed in water. This approach is associated with challenges related to disturbances caused by vessel motion. Other issues such as the expensive and time-consuming installation processes, costly maintenance, biofouling impacts, and the fact that surface currents are themselves affected by vessel motion, can further complicate data capture. Systems that estimate surface currents by subtracting the speed through water from the speed over ground are influenced by similar disturbances affecting the vessel speed log.
Cost-Saving Technology: Miros’ Improved Wavex System
The latest version of the Miros Wavex avoids these challenges thanks to novel algorithms and innovations. This breakthrough in the field is based on marine X-band radar images, providing current measurements with high accuracy in local areas of interest both at fixed sites and from moving vessels. Furthermore, Wavex achieves this without any need for underwater equipment.
Wavex: Measuring Ocean Surface Currents from Moving Vessels
Miros performed a comprehensive verification of the measurement accuracy of the system. This was made possible using data acquired from the Norwegian research vessel G.O. Sars, one of the most advanced research vessels in the world. Data was gathered during an 11-day trial within the Norwegian and Barents Seas. The trial was conducted in close cooperation with Norway’s Institute of Marine Research.
Miros’ innovative approach to monitoring ocean surface currents from moving vessels delivers data in real time. The instrumentation can be connected to either an existing radar or to an additional dedicated one. There is no need for any equipment to be installed or maintained under water.
Download the whitepaper here.
Photo credit: Sveter via Wikipedia Commons.