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Back to Blue: Reflecting on the Katapult Ocean Experience

Reading Time: 4 minutesIn the wake of our recent collaboration with Katapult Ocean, we reflect on the process, the importance of such endeavours, and on our mentees, Undersee.

NOAA Give Miros Top Marks: Microwave Radar Water Level Sensors

Reading Time: 4 minutesNOAA’s Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS) found that the Miros RangeFinder is the optimal choice for wave measurements.

Aquaculture, Water Quality and Reliable Data: An Interview with Undersee

Reading Time: 9 minutesAs part of Katapult Ocean's accelerator program Miros is mentoring Undersee, a startup who monitor water quality.

RangeFinder & WaveWeather at Flaskebekk: A Mini-Tsunami in the Oslofjord

Reading Time: 4 minutesMiros to measure the height, length and period of the waves at Flaskebekk, contributing to a better understanding of the “mini-tsunamis” occurring there.

Automatically Calibrated Wave Spectra by Wavex

Reading Time: 3 minutesWavex provides directional wave spectra and wave parameters based on digitised X-band radar ocean surface images with no need for calibration.

10 Questions with Miros Senior Oceanographer Cathrine Netland Egset

Reading Time: 3 minutesWe asked Miros’ Senior Oceanographer 10 quick-fire questions about oceanography, her role at Miros, and what inspires her in her work.

On the Move: Measuring Surface Currents from Moving Vessels

Reading Time: 3 minutesMiros’ Wavex facilitates real-time monitoring of ocean surface currents from moving vessels, without the use of equipment immersed in water.

Blistering Barnacles: How Biofouling Breaks the Bank

Reading Time: 3 minutesBiofouling is the build-up of microorganisms, plants, algae, or animals on wetted surfaces. It can be an incredibly expensive and inconvenient issue to tackle.

Wave Buoys: Pitfalls, Price Tags and Piracy on the High Seas

Reading Time: 4 minutesThe costs associated with maintaining wave buoys can be astronomical. Dry sensors provide a solution to this expensive, and potentially hazardous, problem.

Miros Joins Forces with Norwegian Start-Up Hub Katapult Ocean

Reading Time: 3 minutesMiros has joined forces with Katapult Ocean and their mission to build a global ecosystem to help come up with the best solutions for the world’s oceans.