10 Questions with Miros Senior Oceanographer Cathrine Netland Egset
Cathrine Netland Egset is Miros’ Senior Oceanographer. We asked her 10 quick-fire questions about oceanography, her role at Miros, and what inspires her in her work.

What is your role at Miros?
I am the Senior Oceanographer at Miros, as well as Lead Data Analyst and the in-house Data & Domain Expert too. I work with data analysis, data quality control and algorithm development.
How long have you worked at the company?
I joined the Miros team in 2000, straight out of university. I had just finished a Master’s degree in physical oceanography.
What drew you to oceanography in the first place?
I have always loved the ocean: being on it, in it and near it. My move into oceanography happened because I wanted to understand more about waves and currents and the driving forces behind them.
What does your day-to-day work involve?
My day-to-day work is really varied. I work together with software engineers and physicists on sensor development and system integration. Then I also work with algorithm development and data analysis. In addition to all that, I also support the sales team and our service engineers alongside the rest of our data analysis team.
Which of Miros’ sensors does your work most related to?
I work with all of our wave and currents sensors, but most of the time it’s either the Wave Radar (SM-050) or the RangeFinder/WaveFinder (SM-140).
What are the challenges of being an oceanographer surrounded by engineers?
We have different perspectives, so making sure that we are all speaking the same language and ensuring that we understand each other can sometimes be a challenge! That said, I still find it really rewarding that we all have something different to bring to the table.
What do you find most inspiring about your work?
One of the best things about working at Miros is that you can try your hand at almost anything. Also, since it’s quite a close-knit company, you can follow a product from idea to deployment and be involved every step of the way.
What is the achievement you are most proud of from your time at Miros?
For me personally, the most fun and educational thing I have done was to get on board a rig. It was so interesting to see how our systems are used and to feel the pressure the crew is under during time- and weather-sensitive operations. It really drove home the importance they put on having access to accurate, real-time data. Working with the customer to ensure that the data they need is displayed in the best way for them was a real eye opener. Having the opportunity to take the offshore safety course was a massive bonus!
What’s coming up that you’re most excited about?
We are continuously working to improve our products. At present there is a lot going on both in hardware and software development that I am very excited about. Among them are our new IoT and Cloud solutions which will ensure that we – through dialogue with our customers – provide and visualise data in the most effective manner.
What can you tell us about the ocean that will blow our minds?
Everything about the ocean is mind-blowing. It covers 70% of the Earth surface, and, according to NOAA, “more than 80% of it remains unmapped, unobserved, and unexplored”. It drives weather, provides food, and regulates temperature. The ocean is also powerful and dangerous. The highest wave observed by ship was 29m and the ocean is full of shipwrecks. Every day there is something new to learn. Sometimes even new to me, like the existence of the immortal jellyfish, which already has its own website.