Miros nominated for Global Offshore Wind Awards 2022
We are very excited to be on the shortlist of finalists for the category: “Performance and Reporting Transparency” for the Global Offshore Wind Awards 2022.

With the Global Offshore Wind Awards, Renewable UK are highlighting and rewarding what drives the Offshore Wind (OW) industry forward. The nominees have been selected with a special eye on their contribution to growth, innovation, vibrancy, and resilience of the OW supply chain. Equally important was the focus on the incredible people and the quality of the OW industry’s provisions on health and safety.
Miros, with Maggie McMillan, VP – Renewables, are thrilled to be shortlisted for the “Performance and reporting transparency” award category.
Nomination Description: Securing a fitter future for Vattenfall’s Horns Rev1 turbines
Vattenfall’s Horns Rev1 experienced difficulties with its wave buoy and became disillusioned with the traditional wave and weather forecasting provided by metocean vendors.
Data accessibility and sharing real-time data with stakeholders in a secure system was also an issue and hampering critical O&M decision-making, as well as a planned life extension activity.
Miros installed five self-calibrating wave radars, plus one multiparameter weather sensor at strategic points across the site. The dry-mounted, low-maintenance IoT sensors measure highly accurate real-time sea state and weather parameters. Measured and historical data are visualised on a client-tailored user interface and directly accessible by any stakeholder anytime through the secure Miros Cloud platform.
The Vattenfall team quickly realised the operational benefits and cost savings, seeing a positive impact on reduction of time and resources across several stakeholders. Also wasted/ aborted vessel trips could be avoided, and CO2 emissions reduced.
On a typical modern offshore wind site (~500MW to 1GW scale) hosting multiple Miros sensors, offshore wind OPEX modelling undertaken by the University of Strathclyde has shown an OPEX saving of between £300k- £1millionGBP/year and a reduction of 5% CO2 emissions per annum according to ORE Catapult, 2019: Next Generation CTV and SOV Technology Overview.